LPN to RN Degree

LPN to RN DegreeAn LPN to RN Degree is a one to two year program that enables current licensed practical nurses to receive their associate or bachelor’s degree in nursing to become a registered nurse. This degree path is a good option for LPNs wanting to take the next step in their nursing careers in order to provide advanced opportunities and higher pay. The degree is designed to allow LPNs to become RNs with a minimum amount of time and decrease the repeat of course content.

Typically, schools award LPNs with a certain amount of credit hours toward their associate or bachelor’s degree. Coursework for the LPN to RN degree often includes anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, nursing ethics, nursing care of children, mental health nursing, and management concepts of nursing. Many programs also required students to complete general education courses in mathematics, English, history, and communications. Most programs require clinical components in various medical settings such as medical-surgical units, mental health facilities, and community based nursing sites.

The LPN to RN degree provides individuals with a variety of benefits, such as gaining more responsibility, opening the door to more job opportunities, and advancing further in the nursing field. Additionally, the demand for RNs is projected to be higher than for LPNs because many medical facilities seek the skills and knowledge that come with the completion of an associate or bachelor’s degree.

How To Find The Top LPN to RN Degree Programs

For those who are searching for the best LPN to RN Degree programs, there are some key characteristics they may want to take a look at, such as if a school is accredited. Accreditation means that an official accrediting organization recognizes an institution and the school maintains appropriate standards. The ranking of a school is also a helpful factor and publications such as the Princeton Review and U.S. News and World Report rank institutions based on many different features. St. Catherine University and Molly College are examples of schools that offer great LPN to RN degree programs.

The LPN to RN degree program at St. Catherine University is offered during the evenings and weekends to enable students to maintain their current job. With credits for the LPN program, students can typically complete the program in one year. The LPN to RN program at Molloy College offers advanced standing opportunities for clinical experiences, completion of credit at other institutions, CLEP examinations, and Division developed challenges. One of the best online LPN to RN Degree programs is offered by Indiana State University and the program is offered either full or part-time and all courses are completed online and clinical experiences take place in the local area of students.

Careers and Salaries For Individuals With LPN to RN Degrees

There is an array of LPN to RN Degree careers available for those who complete these programs. Some examples of the most popular nursing jobs include emergency registered nurses, pediatric registered nurses, forensic registered nurses, and women’s health registered nurses. Emergency registered nurses evaluate patients who enter the emergency room and provide immediate care as needed. Forensic nurses provide nursing care to individuals who were victims of crimes and gather evidence for legal proceedings. Pediatric nurses provide care to children and adolescents. Women’s health nurses provide care solely to women in various areas including reproductive health, obstetrics and gynecology, and general women’s health.

The LPN to RN Degree salary varies depending on many aspects such as location, employer, and experience, but the average annual salary for emergency registered nurses is around $66,000. Pediatric registered nurses earn around $62,000 per year; forensic registered nurses $67,000; and women’s health registered nurses $77,000. The LPN to RN Degree is an optimal choice for LPNs wanting to advance in the nursing field.