What Is A Typical Day Like For A School Nurse?

Although there are many vocational paths an individual could pursue to attain personal and professional success, opting to be a school nurse can be uniquely rewarding. School nurses are empowered to make positive contributions to the lives of children by providing them with the medical attention they need to attain and/or maintain wellness. If you are interested in becoming a school nurse, you may be interested in learning what their typical day is like.

A Day In The Life Of A School Nurse

As many individuals who operate within the medical field know, the events that could occur from day to day in the life of a school nurse are subject to change based on a plethora of factors such as roles and responsibilities, location, and cases presented. Despite these distinguishing factors, however, there are several events that are likely to occur on a normal day. In her article “A day in the life of a school nurse,” Sherry Posnick-Goodwin details the life a woman whose responsibilities include performing vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings. Posnick-Goodwin also notes that the school nurse attends Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings for students that have special needs while also acting as a case-manager who evaluates treatment plans. Additionally, Posnick-Goodwin reports that the school nurse “links families and students to community resources, and assists with medical insurance applications.” Finally, she documents the work of a school nurse by noting that her life often involves being “the first line of defense for students lacking medical insurance.”

Addressing Health Issues

Although the typical day in the life of a school nurse described above is highly specific, the responsibilities listed are common. In many cases, school nurses find that they experience a nonstop flow of students and staff members with health issues. Students may go to the school nurse and report feeling enervated or faint. In these instances, the nurse might provide them with a snack or do a further investigation to determine the root of the problem. Some other health issues a student might report to a school nurse include menstrual cramps, scrapes, headaches, twisted ankles, and minor injuries. When a student gets a migraine, the school nurse might administer care in the form of applying a cool cloth to the forehead. In some instances, the student might be permitted to rest on a cot in a designated area. In addition to addressing minor health issues and injuries, school nurses are empowered to handle serious injuries such as intense abdominal pain, broken bones, high fever, chest pain, depression, or autism.

The Diversity of Student Populations

The type of cases a nurse will see is contingent upon many factors. Students may be living in lackluster family situations and some may be below the poverty line. A school nurse could also serve ultra wealthy students, alcoholics, drug users, and students grappling with STDs.

Individuals considering a career as a school nurse should note that pursuing this vocational path can be professionally and personally fulfilling. By reviewing the information above regarding a typical day in the life of a school nurse, individuals interested in the occupation can decide if the field is right for them.