What are the Prerequisites for an Accelerated Nursing Degree?

In today’s society, one of the most sought after educational credentials is a nursing degree. There are several ways to go about earning this type of degree, including taking part in an associate’s or bachelor’s nursing program. For those who are restricted on the amount of time they can spend in a nurse training program, it is best to take part in an associate’s program or some type of accelerated program. In fact, there are many schools that offer accelerated Bachelor of Science in nursing programs, allowing students to earn a bachelor-level nursing degree in well under the traditional four years time. To be admitted into an accelerated program, there are several prerequisites that must be met.

Accelerated Nursing Program Prerequisites

The exact prerequisites that have to be met to enroll in an accelerated nursing program are determined by the school through which a student wants to enroll. Generally, however, the following requirements must be met.

– Students must be physically fit to perform the duties of a registered nurse

– Must be emotionally stable to perform the duties of a registered nurse

– Must be able to provide safe patient care

– Must be fluent in English, including being able to speak the language and read it

– Must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college; the major of the degree does not have to be directly related to healthcare

– Must have maintained a 3.0 GPA in college

– For students who have a GPA less than 3.4, they will have to take the Graduate Record Exam.

Enrollment Prerequisites

In addition to the above mentioned prerequisites, the following amount of credits must be earned before enrolling in an accelerated nursing program. Most schools will require a C average or above in all classes; however, for Micobiology and Human Anatomy, students will need a B- average or higher. The courses can be completed through any accredited institution and a final grade should be earned before applying to the accelerated nursing program.

– Three credits in general sociology

– Three credits in English composition

– Three credits in basic statistics

– Six credits in Human Anatomy

– Six credits in physiology

– Three credits in microbiology with a lab

– Three credits in general psychology

Things to Remember

It is very important for those interested in an accelerated nursing program to keep in mind that the exact prerequisites that they will need to meet will be determined by the school they want to enter into. There may be some schools that allow nursing students to complete a few of their accelerated nursing courses online; however, this is not the case with every accelerated program.

How Long Does the Program Take?

An accelerated nursing program usually takes about 12 to 18 months to complete. The program is very intense, thus being the reason as to why it can be completed so quickly. There is much clinical experience obtained during the program, with some schools mandating students earn 700 hours worth of clinical experience before being eligible for graduation.

An accelerated nursing program is great for students who want to earn a BSN in a short amount of time and have already earned a bachelors degree in another academic discipline. For those who have the ability to complete an intense curriculum and have a strong passion for becoming a nurse, it is definitely worth checking into an accelerated program.

Additional Resource: Where The Jobs Are: Nursing