What are the Admission Requirements for an RN-BSN Online Degree Program?

Getting informed about the general admission requirements for an RN-BSN online degree program before clicking apply could significantly boost your acceptance chances. Registered nursing online tracks are popping up across the higher education market for finishing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) quickly and efficiently while working full-time. According to the AACN, there were 747 accredited RN-BSN programs, including 400+ online, as of Fall 2016. Attending one of these online degree programs is advantageous because the nursing workforce is continually pushed toward greater responsibilities. Many states have even created BSN requirements for registered nurses, such as New York’s BS in 10 legislation. If you’re looking to improve your skills and position in the registered nursing workforce of 439,300, here are the admission prerequisites for online RN-BSN degrees.

Associate or Diploma in Nursing

Online RN-BSN programs are designed to transfer previous college credits to accelerate the 120-credit degree. Therefore, applicants will need to finish a hospital diploma or associate degree in nursing (ADN) from an accredited community college. RN-BSN course prerequisites vary by school, but most seek English composition, statistics, human anatomy and physiology, chemistry, biology, and perhaps psychology on students’ transcripts. Transfer credits must be graded “C” or better to count towards RN-BSN online degrees. Displaying academic excellence with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better is preferred.

State Registered Nursing Licensure

Entering RN-BSN online degrees is obviously impossible if you skip the steps to become a registered nurse. After your diploma or ADN, follow the licensing guidelines established by your state’s board of nursing. Since 1994, each RN nationwide has had to pass the National Council Licensure Examination for registration. The NCLEX-RN is a four-part, six-hour test that evaluates nurses’ competency with up to 265 multiple-choice questions. Along with passing the exam, hopeful RNs usually must submit to a background check and get fingerprinted.

Work Experience in Health Care

Online nursing study is primarily digital, so the admission requirements for an RN-BSN online degree program frequently include previous patient care. Accredited nursing schools could require anywhere from 40 hours of clinical practicum to two years of full-time work experience. RN-BSN applicants should sharpen their résumé by landing jobs at health care facilities, such as emergency rooms, oncology wards, pediatric units, hospices, rehab centers, physician offices, and nursing homes. Online RN-BSN programs could let you satisfy practicum hours at your own place of employment if you’re already working.

Proper Computer Systems Setup

Logging into online RN-BSN degrees won’t happen unless you fulfill the computer requirements listed by your nursing school. Today’s high-tech virtual classrooms like Blackboard and Canvas need broadband internet from a LAN, cable, or DSL connection. Most online colleges require candidates to have their own devices running Windows 7 and higher or MAC OS X 10.8 and higher. Pay close attention to other required computer specs, such as 250 GB hard drives, 3D graphics, Java, webcams, headsets, and Microsoft Office, to ensure you’re properly outfitted.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reports that the number of RNs returning to school for bachelor’s degrees has skyrocketed from 35,000 in 2004 to 105,000 in 2014. Academic progression helps licensed nurses improve their knowledge for changing health care delivery, especially in specialized fields. Facilities with more BSN-trained nurses also have lower incidences of patient infections, pressure ulcers, and mortality. Now that you know the admission requirements for an RN-BSN online degree program, you can get started advancing your career on the Web.

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