What Are Some Survival Tips for New Nurses?

Working as a nurse is fulfilling if you enjoy helping and caring for others. Whether you have just become a nurse for the first time or you are taking on a new nursing position, implementing a few survival tips can help you adjust to your new life.

Ask About Programs for New Nurses

Any time you are starting a new program as a nurse, be sure to inquire about the availability of orientation programs and services for new employees. Attending various programs within the hospital or medical facility you are working at is a great way to become more acquainted with your surroundings and the new position you have taken on.

Inquire About Available Support and Seek a Support Group of Your Own

Seeking support groups from among the nurses you work with and within your circle of family and friends is essential to help with the adjustment period of working as a new nurse. Regardless of how excited or thrilled you are to join the workforce of nurses, it is often overwhelming to adjust to the demands of the job if you have never worked in the position in the past.
Additional Reference: How Do I Find a Nurse Mentor?

Get an Adequate Amount of Sleep

Getting an adequate amount of sleep each night is essential to your survival as a new nurse. Ensuring you get enough sleep every night is a way to maintain motivation and focus without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out in short periods of time. Most hospitals provide additional rooms with beds for sleeping and taking naps when working overtime or extended shifts.

Expect a Transition Period

Whether you are working at a local medical facility or at one of the most demanding hospitals in the country, it is important to expect a transition period when beginning your new job. Working as a nurse requires mental and physical energy, which is demanding, and it can often feel impossible to keep up. Understanding the tasks and responsibilities you are required to take on is the best way to ease into the transition period.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is one of the most important factors in surviving as a new nurse in any hospital or medical care facility. Be sure to implement a healthy diet any time you are eating, whether at home or work. Avoid processed foods and eating too many carbohydrates and sugar, as this will slow you down and cause you to feel sluggish when you are on the job. Clean eating and daily exercise is a great way to stabilize your energy and prepare you for the next day’s tasks and objectives. Nurses are required to have mental and physical agility to handle emergency situations whenever they are on call or on duty. Also remember that making time for yourself, when you are not on shift, is extremely important. Many nurses get so caught up in caring for others that they forget to take care of themselves.

Although working as a nurse is demanding, it is also very rewarding. Implementing a few survival tips is a great way to ensure you are stable and capable of getting through the transition period of your new job and career.