Is it Worthwhile to Pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing if I Already Have an Undergraduate Degree in an Unrelated Field?

Second Degree Bachelor of Science in NursingOnce you earned your bachelor’s degree, you knew you were done with undergraduate studies. The only reason you would ever go back to school would be to earn a graduate degree. While many students share your attitude, you need to consider if you are limiting your career options. Many of today’s hottest jobs in healthcare and information technology require specialized undergraduate degrees. Is it worthwhile to pursue a second degree in nursing if you already have your bachelor’s? The answer depends on where you are in your career.

Starting Over?

Your bachelor’s degree took at least four years to earn. By the time you were a senior, you probably had a raging case of senioritis and couldn’t wait to graduate. If being a nurse means you have to go through another four years of undergraduate training, you’re not interested. Luckily, your second degree will take far less time to earn than your first. Most nursing schools even offer accelerated programs designed just for students with a bachelor’s degree in an unrelated field. You won’t need to take general education courses a second time and you can likely earn your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in less than two years.

Resource: How Long Does it Take to Earn an Accelerated Nursing Degree?

Is My First Degree Worthless?

Are you frustrated that you have to head back for more schooling just to find a job? Feeling like your original bachelor’s degree was a waste of time? Cheer up! In the current economy, millions of people just like you are struggling to find employment. You are making a good decision to proactively pursue more job training. The skills you learned your first time in school will be invaluable in your nursing program. A second degree BSN requires excellent study skills, as you might take twenty credits a semester while attending clinical hours. Finally, nurses need a wide pool of knowledge. A liberal arts degree will help you understand patients.

What Classes Does a BSN Require?

Second degree BSN programs understand that you’ve already been through undergraduate schooling once and want you to graduate as quickly as possible. You will only take classes that are absolutely necessary for a nursing career. Most of your courses will lean heavily on science and nursing knowledge. Expect to take classes in topics like pharmacology, psychiatric nursing and nursing ethics alongside clinical experiences at local healthcare facilities.

Benefits of a Second Degree BSN

With a BSN you can take the exam to become a registered nurse (RN) and this will open up amazing career possibilities. RNs can work in hospitals, schools, public health offices and more. You’ll earn a great salary with a flexible schedule and room for advancement. It’s no wonder that nursing is one of U.S. News and World Report best jobs of 2014.

If you already have a bachelor’s degree in another field, you can earn your BSN in just a few years. Your nursing program will require dedication and hard work, but once you graduate, you’ll be ready for one of the country’s hottest careers. Escape from unemployment or an unfulfilling, entry-level job by applying for an accelerated BSN today.