About Guide to Nursing Degrees

The Guide to Nursing Degrees aims to be the resource you trust for reliable, expert information about nursing degrees. We’ve got information regarding the amazing variety of degree programs that open the door to the nursing profession. Hoping to become a nurse? Learn more about diploma programs for certified nursing assistants, professional training programs for licensed practical nurses, and the associate and bachelor’s degree programs for registered nurses. Interested in a career change? Check out accelerated nursing degree programs that give you credit for the bachelor’s degree you already hold, allowing you to get your nursing degree more quickly. Perhaps you’re already a nurse, and you’re interested in options for professional advancement. Explore RN to BSN and graduate-level programs that can put you on the path to greater opportunity. Our degree profiles and rankings are designed to help you find the best nursing degree program for your individual needs.

Nursing is a rapidly expanding field with new jobs, new technologies and new opportunities continually appearing on the horizon. Colleges and universities are adapting their programs to meet the nation’s growing need for health care professionals, offering new degree programs. Let the Guide to Nursing Degrees help you stay abreast of the latest developments in nursing education and provide you with the information you need to plan your own career. Find out about scholarships that can make paying for your education easier. Learn more about the various types of nursing with our information on a wide assortment of nursing jobs and our links to the top nursing blogs. Let the Guide to Nursing Degrees help you discover you nursing niche.

Nursing Fast Facts:

  • In 2012, nursing assistants earned an annual median wage of $24,400.
  • Licensed practical nurses earned a median salary of $41,540 in 2012.
  • The median annual wage for registered nurses was $65,470 in 2012.
  • Advanced practice registered nurses like nurse practitioners and nurse midwives earned an annual median wage of $96,460 in 2012.
  • All four of these nursing groups are expected to see job growth rates near 20 percent between 2012 and 2022, which means there will be thousands of new nursing jobs created.

Ready to find out more about nursing degrees? Visit our homepage at NurseDegree.net to get started.

